First Place in the Competition "Social Enterprises of the Olomouc Region" for Tooling Expert weba

Olomouc, Czech Republic - Social responsibility and environmental protection are firmly integrated into the management of weba Werkzeugbau. This is evidenced by weba Olomouc's first-place finish in the "Social Enterprise of the Olomouc Region" competition. The impressive award ceremony took place on November 7th in the historic Kronfestung in Olomouc. weba Olomouc was named the winner in the category of "Companies with up to 250 employees." Plant Manager Robert Raich proudly accepted the award from the Governor of Olomouc.

Integrity and Responsibility

At weba Werkzeugbau, compliance with all standards, regulations, and requirements related to environmental law, working conditions, and social rights is a matter of course. The company also places great importance on continuous improvement and the promotion of regional goals and developments. Integrity and compliance with regulations are fundamental principles for weba as an organization and a team, forming the basis of their daily business activities. In the competition for the Social Enterprise of the Olomouc Region, weba successfully demonstrated this commitment.

weba Olomouc - A Success Story of Expansion and Innovation in Hot Forming

 In 1990, the production site in Olomouc was founded with the clear goal of specializing in hot forming and actively contributing to the lightweight trend in the automotive industry. To achieve this goal, production areas and capacities were continuously expanded in three steps over the years. From expanding the storage space to smaller extensions, to the significant expansion and modernization of the site in 2017, weba Olomouc has more than tripled its initial size to a total of 13,000 square meters. Investments in modern machinery and automation systems were also strategic steps for the company to solidify its expertise in hot forming. Nearly two decades ago, weba Olomouc, then a small tooling company, made significant investments in an automated hot forming line, enabling precise tool adjustments for serial requirements.

Following the last expansion in 2018, an additional fully automated hot forming system with a roller hearth furnace was put into operation. This measure significantly contributed to further improving efficiency and quality, highlighting weba Olomouc's commitment to achieving a leading position in the industry. The ongoing investments and expansions demonstrate weba Olomouc's commitment to meeting the increasing demands of the market and providing customers with top-notch solutions in the field of hot forming. Today, weba operates in the automotive industry to the extent of 98%, partially as a Tier1 supplier in series production, thus significantly contributing to vehicle production. The presence at the Olomouc site is a significant part of weba's activities in this area.

"An enterprise can only be as good as its employees. At weba, we are fortunate to have a motivated and dedicated team that has played a significant role in our success and growth. Our employees are the key to innovation, productivity, and customer satisfaction. For this reason, we place great emphasis on continuous education and training and on fostering a respectful and open working environment," says Robert Raich, Plant Manager of weba Olomouc, s.r.o.

Festive Ceremony

The renowned jury evaluated regional companies and their commitment in economic, ecological, and social aspects based on strict criteria. Thanks to the stringent social and environmental policies firmly integrated into the group's corporate strategy, weba Olomouc achieved first place. The award ceremony took place on November 7th in the historic Kronfestung in Olomouc. The highly specialized production site was awarded the winner in the category of "Companies with up to 250 employees," and Plant Manager Robert Raich accepted the award from the Governor of Olomouc. "We are extremely proud that our values-based approach to corporate management has been confirmed by this first-place award," commented Robert Raich.

Values-Oriented Corporate Policy

Josef Suchánek, the Governor of the Olomouc Region, emphasized, "Social responsibility encompasses everything that benefits people, nature, and the environment simultaneously. It is mutual tolerance and respect among people, the pursuit of coexistence that benefits everyone." As an internationally active company in the field of toolmaking, social responsibility is a central part of the corporate philosophy. Corporate values form the core of the organization. "At weba, we are aware of our role in society and our responsibility to the environment, our fellow human beings, and our employees. As a company, employer, and business partner, we are committed to clear principles and values that promote a cooperative work environment and serve as a benchmark for our daily actions. At weba, we have created a cooperative work environment characterized by respect, collaboration, and team spirit. Our employees are our most valuable asset, and we place great importance on their professional development and satisfaction," explained Robert Raich.

About weba

Since 1982, weba Werkzeugbau has been a leader in the production of high-precision tools for the automotive industry. With over 300 dedicated employees at locations in Dietach (Austria), Olomouc (Czech Republic), and Attendorn (Germany), the company combines cutting-edge technology with extensive expertise to develop customized solutions. The product range includes hot forming tools that enable the precise shaping of metal parts at high temperatures, cold forming tools for parts with high demands on dimensional accuracy and surface quality, and top-notch joining and welding technology at the Attendorn location. The headquarters in Dietach develops innovative technologies, while Olomouc specializes in the mass production of hot forming tools, and Attendorn complements the portfolio with expertise in joining and welding technology. The company's philosophy focuses on innovation and quality, with a strong emphasis on meeting customer needs and ensuring employee well-being. Through close collaboration with leading OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers, weba delivers tools and technologies that meet the highest standards and shape the future of the automotive industry.

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