weba Sets New Standards in Hot Forming: Increased Process Reliability Thanks to New Press Hardening Line in Olomouc

Olomouc - As an experienced lightweight construction specialist, weba understands the requirements of the automotive industry. By expanding its production capacities with another state-of-the-art hot forming plant at the Olomouc site, weba is maximizing customer benefits and significantly increasing process reliability.

Hydraulic Press: 1,600 t and 4,000 x 2,500 mm

Roller Hearth Furnace: 22.5 m Lenght and  2.5 m Width

A lot has changed since the late 1980s, when the first press-hardened components were developed. At the time, no one could have predicted the rapid increase in the use of hot-formed steels in vehicles. However, the technology has experienced a huge breakthrough in the last 20 years and now plays a crucial role in the automotive industry. The use of hot-formed steels achieves a significant reduction in weight while maintaining a high level of occupant safety, which contributes significantly to the achievement of strict emission targets.

Continuous Eefinement of Hot Forming Technology

weba developed and produced its first hot forming projects back in the early 1990s and has continuously refined its expertise and specialization in this technology ever since. Since then, hot forming has formed the backbone of the company's success. Practical orientation and a high level of innovation have always been the driving forces behind the company's ability to continuously exceed its own performance and offer customers real added value in every project phase, from component development, design and production through to the manufacture of pre-series components.

New High-Tech Press Hardening Plant in Olomouc

With the introduction of the first automated chamber furnace system in 2011, weba has already laid an important foundation for the near-series tuning of hot forming tools. Now this success is being expanded with another high-tech system. The new press hardening system in Olomouc offers individualized parameterization of the process, customer-specific optimization and intelligent tool monitoring, which together ensure a consistently high quality of the components produced. A particular advantage of this system is the effective final inspection of the hot forming tools directly on the series system.

This expansion once again underlines weba's position as a leading provider of innovative hot forming solutions and shows that the company is always striving not only to meet the requirements of the automotive industry, but to exceed them. The investment in the new facility is a clear commitment to further development and maximizing customer benefits, making weba an indispensable partner for the automotive industry.

About weba Werkzeugbau

weba Werkzeugbau is a leading supplier to the automotive industry and specializes in the development and production of high-precision forming tools. The company attaches great importance to innovative technologies, quality and customer satisfaction. With locations in Austria and the Czech Republic, weba serves well-known customers from the automotive industry and offers customized solutions for their individual requirements. The headquarters and development center in Dietach, Austria, is the creative center of the company, where innovative ideas and advanced technologies are brought to life. The site in Olomouc, Czech Republic, focuses on the manufacture of tools for hot forming and series production. 

Since its foundation in 1982, weba Werkzeugbau has established itself as a leading specialist in the manufacture of tools for hot forming and forming technology. weba employs over 300 qualified and dedicated employees at two locations and combines state-of-the-art technology with in-depth expertise to offer its customers customized and innovative solutions. The company is characterized by its innovative and quality-oriented corporate philosophy, which focuses on both the needs of its customers and the well-being of its employees.

Hot Forming Series Production Quality Assurance Innovations